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5 Industries Evolving Due to Automation

Posted on 10st November, 2020 by Leo Lambert

As automation continues to rise, future jobs will require different skills and, in some cases, higher educational requirements. By 2030, between 75 million and 375 million people may need to gain new skills as part of their search for alternative employment, McKinsey Global Institute reports. Around half of all jobs in America are at high risk of being automated. Automation has changed, and will continue to change, the following five industries.

  1. Retail and Trade

Visual Capitalist reports that about 50% of jobs related to retail and trade in the United States are most likely to be automated. We’re seeing this automation in Amazon stores where grocery carts can track what you’ve taken off the shelves so you can purchase your products without ever interacting with a cashier. We also see automation in delivery systems where robots go from door to door to deliver food. According to Market Research Engine, the global retail automation market will exceed $19.45 billion by 2023. This retail automation will cut costs, improve quality, and decrease human errors.

  1. Transportation

Visual Capitalist analysis reported, 57% of transportation jobs will most likely be automated in the coming years in the United States. Autonomous vehicles are now the driving force of automation in this industry, as well as the manufacturing of vehicles making for quicker assembly times. With Tesla’s self-driving mode, drivers can nap at the wheel while still getting to their destination. Other companies such as Toyota and Honda are implementing self-park automation for those who never quite got the hang of parallel parking; however, this vehicle automation poses a threat to truck drivers as their jobs may become obsolete as we continue to develop and expand vehicle automation.

  1. Agriculture

As the global population expands, the demand for high volumes of food is increasing. Due to this expansion, about 6 in 10 jobs in the agriculture industry are automated in the United States. Agricultural automation occurs anywhere from planting and monitoring, to maintenance and harvesting. There are even machines that detect weeds and disease in plants. Nearly 100 years ago, farms were run by families with no fewer than 10 farmers working at a time. Nowadays, an entire 100-acre farm can be run by just one person and their smart machines.

  1. Manufacturing

An estimated 60% of U.S. jobs in manufacturing will likely be performed by machines in the near
future. Entire factories can be run by just a couple of people with the rest of the operation performed by automated machines and robots. The benefits of automation in the manufacturing industry include mechanical precision and consistency, greater safety, and decreased operating expenses. Despite manufacturing being one of the most highly automated industries globally, there is still a significant automation potential within manufacturing sites, as well as in related functional areas such as supply chain and procurement.

  1. Accommodation and Food Services

More than 70 percent of jobs related to accommodation and food services in America are likely to be automated. This automation is seen in hotels where guests can check in via a mobile app that provides them with a room key. Hotels are also experimenting with voice assistants to bypass concierge workers and put guests in touch with needed services. Additionally, McDonald’s and other restaurants are using kiosks to replace people and help customers place
their orders by using touch screens.

As automation becomes increasingly popular in the above industries, future jobs will involve different skills and, in some cases, higher educational requirements. That’s why staying up-to-date with the latest training and certifications is important in helping you further your career. EPTAC offers a variety of online and in-person solder training courses and IPC certifications to assist you with furthering your education.


For over 30 years, EPTAC has been a leading provider of solder training and IPC certification. We provide professionals with the tools and training they need to advance their careers and improve their businesses. With 19 locations across North America, our solutions and instructional staff provide easy access to knowledge that will enhance your business model and help you meet and exceed industry demands. For more information call 800.643.7822 or contact us.

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