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We Have a Winner! IPC 2012 New England Hand Soldering Competition

Posted on 20st September, 2012 by Mark Pilkington

IPC is proud to announce the winners of the IPC 2012 New England Hand Soldering Competition.

In third place, the winner of $100 with a score of 88 out of 100 points is Jarrid Lemire representing Liquid Measurement Systems.

In second place, the winner of $250 with a score of 99 out of 100 and a time of 27 Minutes and 50 seconds, Laurie Stilwell representing Imperial Electronic Assembly.

In First place, the winner of $500 and a trip to San Diego, CA to compete in the IPC 2013 Hand Soldering Championship, with a score of 99 out of 100 and a time of 22 minutes and 5 seconds, (Gail) Vingkeo Sourivongs representing Imperial Electronic Assembly!

All of the contestants will be receiving certificates of participation as well as a list of the overall standings, and their board and judges sheets.

IPC would like to thank REStronics for hosting this event and a special thank you to Leo Lambert of EPTAC Corporation for coordinating the tools and supplies for the competition as well as serving as a judge.

Thank you to all of our contestants and their companies for supporting this competition!

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