Congratulations to the winners of the 1st IPC World Championship Hand Soldering Competition!
First place: Fu Chunyan, Beijing Railway Signal Co., Ltd.
Second place: Viengkeo Sourivongs, Imperial Electronic Assembly
Third place: Wang He, The Changchun Institute of Optics
Our own Helena Pasquito, IPC Master Instructor and one of the judges of the competition shown to the left of the winner with her long list of accolades (on her show pendant).

EPTAC is an internationally recognized leader in solder training and IPC certification, providing professionals with the skills to accelerate their careers and businesses and the talent to succeed. For over 35 years, EPTAC has been helping corporations increase quality standards, improve productivity, and maximize profits.
With 24 locations in North America, EPTAC continues to expand its offerings and exceptional instructional staff to provide easy access to knowledge and skill-based programs when and where the industry demands it. Access our scheduled programs through our website or schedule your own corporate on-site training. For more information, call 800.643.7822 or contact us.