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Conformal Coating Does Not Adhere to Teflon Wire

Question: We are having and issue with the conformal coating not adhering to the Teflon wire that we use in units. Is there anything in the IPC-A-610 or the J-STD-001 that allows the conformal coat not to adhere to Teflon wire?


Question: We are having and issue with the conformal coating not adhering to the Teflon wire that we use in units. Is there anything in the IPC-A-610 or the J-STD-001 that allows the conformal coat not to adhere to Teflon wire?

Answer: There is nothing in either the 610 or the 001 that discusses the conformal coating and the coating of Teflon wires. Teflon is made to be very independent of any kind of adhesive trying to capture it or secure it. I would suggest the use of tape labels made specifically for capturing wires and once these are secure the conformal coating should be able to encapsulate the wire, but other than this method, there is not much information on the web on this subject.

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