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Information on Lead-Free Soldering

Question: Are there any references or materials I can look at or download specific to Lead-Free Soldering?


Question: Are there any references or materials I can look at or download specific to Lead-Free Soldering?

Answer: There is a tremendous amount of information on the conversion from leaded solder to lead-free solder and the information has been gathered since 2002 when the European directive was published and the implementation in 2006. I’ve just covered a few of the web sites which I’ve used over the years to learn about lead-free materials, their makeup, their use, their pros and cons, and the business of converting over in a manufacturing operations.

It is almost like having degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering, and Metallurgy.

I hope I have not discourage you with all these sites, but I think this is the best way to get your feet wet in finding out about lead-free soldering. It is not simply changing the alloy and start soldering. You need to know the characteristics of the alloy, the fluxes and the importance of the application of heat as it relates to the particular soldering processes.

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lead+free+solder+books&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Alead+free+solder+books covers 10 books written on the subject.

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=lead+free+solder+paste+books&sprefix=lead+free+solder+paste+n%2Caps%2C241&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Alead+free+solder+paste+books, is about lead-free solder paste books.

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=coombs+electronic+assembly&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Acoombs+electronic+assembly, printed circuit handbook by Clyde Coombs.




http://www.globalsmt.net/smt/index.php, Global magazine

http://flexiblecircuittechnology.com/flex4/, book on flex print

http://pcdandf.com/pcdesign/, Printed Circuit and Design books

http://www.smtonline.com/pages/ems007.cgi, SMT magazine



Please to go over the magazine sites to read past magazine as they have great articles on lead-free materials, lead-free processes, plus more.

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