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What’s New in the Leading PCB Document, IPC-A-600 Revision H

It’s official. IPC-A-600, Acceptability of Printed Boards is now at Revision H. Complete with new subject materials, pictures and a better correlation with other documents like IPC-6012 and IPC-6013, this standard is better than ever. Take a moment to review with us why the new standard is so improved that you have to take a look at it and incorporate it into your inspection process.


Course Length: 26 Minutes | Cost: FREE | Presenter: Leo Lambert

It’s official. IPC-A-600, Acceptability of Printed Boards is now at Revision H. Complete with new subject materials, pictures and a better correlation with other documents like IPC-6012 and IPC-6013, this standard is better than ever. Take a moment to review with us why the new standard is so improved that you have to take a look at it and incorporate it into your inspection process.

Topics we will be reviewing are:

  • Key improvements in the standard.
  • Updated correlation with IPC-6012 and IPC-6013.
  • Additional illustrations and images.
  • Changes to all training and instructional material.

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