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Untangling Your Electronics Training and Certification Needs

With so many program and course offerings out there it is hard to decipher what you may or may not need to meet your everyday operational requirements, let alone any certifications you may need for contractual obligations. Let us take some time to demystify the IPC offerings by enlightening you on what the programs are and who may need them.


Course Length: 27 Minutes | Cost: FREE | Presenter: Leo Lambert

With so many program and course offerings out there it is hard to decipher what you may or may not need to meet your everyday operational requirements, let alone any certifications you may need for contractual obligations. Let us take some time to demystify the IPC offerings by enlightening you on what the programs are and who may need them.

Topics we will be reviewing are:

  • What are the IPC Programs?
  • What prerequisites are there if any?
  • Training the right person in the right position.
  • Certifying the Individual vs. the company.

Have a question about training or IPC certification?

EPTAC has the knowledge and expertise to help you train your staff, understand your process, and increase production. We are committed to answering your questions promptly, and we look forward to hearing from you.